I don't know what this movie is called or what it is about (but that's not any less informed than
anyone else, but the
trailer sure got my attention.

It's already got a
slew of
weird, cryptic
websites up, not that they tell you anything. But it's got J.J. Abrams behind it, and I'm already penciling in 1/18/08 as a movie night.
UPDATE: According to
AICN, the last two sites linked above are bogus. From the letter director JJ Abrams wrote:
For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us.
Saw the trailer last night before Trans. Very little shown, very apprehensive (re: Gozilla '98).
I had hoped a rumor i heard about this being a Voltron movie were true, but apparently the rights to Voltron belong to Mark Gordon Productions, none of whose producers seem to be involved with Cloverfield.
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